Cataracts: Symptoms And Causes
A cataract is a clouding of the natural lens that can occur with aging, certain medical conditions and trauma. Cataracts may cause blurred vision, dulled vision, sensitivity to light and glare, and/or ghost images. If the cataract changes vision to the extent that it interferes with your daily life, the cataract may need to be removed. Surgery is the only way to remove a cataract.

Cataracts cannot be treated with medication or corrected with glasses. When the cataract impair vision to a degree where it negatively affects daily life, the only effective treatment is to surgically remove the cloudy lens (cataract extraction) and replace it with an implant, a so-called intraocular lens (IOL) Cataract surgery is regarded as safe and reliable. In fact, it is the most frequently performed surgical procedure in the world. During the operation, the natural clouded lens is permanently replaced with a very small artificial lens (IOL). This procedure is well-established and constantly evolving with new technology: for example, new types of intraocular lenses, and more precise devices for diagnosis and imaging.
Diagnosis and symptoms of Cataracts
Early-stage cataracts are most often detected by a slit-lamp examination at the ophthalmologist’s office, before any symptoms are detected by the patient. The question of how quickly cataracts progress cannot be answered in general terms. In some cases, it takes many years before the disease leads to blindness if left untreated, while in others it progresses rapidly within a few weeks. In the advanced stage, the following symptoms usually appear in varying degrees, indicating cataracts:
- Vision deteriorates in near and/or distance vision: Vision becomes more strained.
- Vision becomes increasingly blurred: Vision feels like looking through fog or a veil.
- The vision of colours, contours and contrasts deteriorates: everything becomes dull and pale.
- Glare sensitivity (nyctometry) increases: When light hits the retina, for example from oncoming traffic while driving at night, vision is severely impaired.
- Light-dark adaptation worsens: It takes longer and longer to become accustomed to changing between light and dark environments.
- Double vision is perceived: One suddenly sees double, similar to alcohol consumption.
- Spatial vision (stereopsis) deteriorates: Due to poor depth perception, for example, falls are more likely and climbing stairs becomes a challenge.
- Cataracts become visible: A grayish or whitish clouding can be seen on the lens.
In addition to cataract, visual impairments such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) can also occur around the age of 70. Regular ocular fundus checks must therefore be taken very seriously. Now you can do the self-test with the Amsler grid: Macular Degeneration (AMD) self-test.
More about Cataracts Plus
Are Cataracts Treatable?
Good news: cataracts are curable! While there is no medication to treat cataracts, and untreated cataracts can eventually lead to blindness, cataract surgery offers a permanent solution, fully restoring vision. Additionally, with the use of a multifocal lens during eye lens surgery, you can also eliminate the need for vision aids caused by age-related farsightedness or other refractive errors.
Why Choose Euroeyes For Your Cataracts Surgery?
• Glasses-Free Vision: We offer refractive cataract surgery to provide clear vision without glasses for any distance.
• Customised Lens Upgrades: Premium lenses for multifocal vision are available.
• Immediate Availability: No wait times for surgery.
• Personalised Follow-Up: Comprehensive post-surgery care tailored to each patient.
Cataract Surgery
Cataract surgery has proven to be a safe and effective treatment method for many years. It is a routine treatment usually performed on an out-patient basis. It takes between 15 to 20 minutes. The surgery is performed on one eye at a time. The second eye if also affected by cataract is usually treated a few days later.
We guide you step by step through everything that occurs before and during the process, from preparations at home, to walking out of the operating room.
Preparations on the day of the surgery
On the day of your operation, there are few things you should keep in mind:
- Do not wear any lotion, make-up, after-shave, or perfume.
- Wear normal and relaxing clothes.
- Eat a light meal no later than five hours before the procedure and stay hydrated to ensure a stable circulation for the procedure.
- Arrange for transportation afterwards.
- The procedure generally does not require sutures, which aids a quicker recovery. You will be allowed to go home after a short observation period on the day of the surgery.